bebedas: day her struggle to become a domestic goddess she felt like she had finally flipped her last pancake......
bebedas: day was quick...she never saw it coming! Revenge of the laundry pile........
bebedas: day 36..................all she needed was a little incentive.......
bebedas: day 37.......she could still recall how she had felt the day she came to the realization that the naked chef never was going to get NAKED in ANY of his books
bebedas: day 38.....................surely it would tell her somewhere in here what this strange shaped object was used for
bebedas: day 39......................she figured that if she hid the box she could probably pass this little creation off as her own
bebedas: day 40.........................all this being a domestic goddess was exhausting her
bebedas: day 68.........she felt like she had found the perfect place to spend the holidays, now if only she could get her other leg in