snoopygirl: *almost* 3 year old with a cupcake.
snoopygirl: *almost* 3 year old with a cupcake.
snoopygirl: "Piolet"
snoopygirl: just can't wait
snoopygirl: 49. the 365 girls with the Purple doll moms
snoopygirl: 51. 365 friends.
snoopygirl: 50. Oh Rapunzel ... you can't have my Blythe
snoopygirl: jealous of a 4 year old's hair.
snoopygirl: little and big Rapunzel
snoopygirl: little and big Rapunzel
snoopygirl: after everybody left
snoopygirl: Junk Food Lovers
snoopygirl: most fun I've had in a while
snoopygirl: birthday banner
snoopygirl: Pilot taking OUR photo
snoopygirl: yes, they spelled her name Piolet
snoopygirl: Polaroid Princess
snoopygirl: first Polaroid of a 3 year old REAL princess
snoopygirl: evaluative