J J Justinsen: Nate asleep on the plane
J J Justinsen: Mariner's Special at The Bluenose II Diner
J J Justinsen: lone piper on the waterfront
J J Justinsen: mum and dad on the waterfront, Halifax NS
J J Justinsen: The Public Gardens, Halifax NS
J J Justinsen: mum and dad in The Public Gardens, Halifax NS
J J Justinsen: the folks at the Halifax Public Gardens
J J Justinsen: Halifax Public Gardens
J J Justinsen: Nate sleeps in a 250 year old dining room
J J Justinsen: diners at The Press Gang, Halifax NS
J J Justinsen: the grandparents at The Press Gang, Halifax NS
J J Justinsen: The Press Gang, downtown Halifax NS
J J Justinsen: not sleeping
J J Justinsen: Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: Nate doing his best Paddington Bear impersonation
J J Justinsen: Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: Peggy's Cove
J J Justinsen: light fog at Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: Peggy's Cove
J J Justinsen: mum and Dianne at Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: a foggy day at Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: the rocks and the water
J J Justinsen: piper at Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: the lighthouse at Peggy's Cove, NS
J J Justinsen: the lighthouse at Peggy's Cove, NS