Snitfit: DSC00559
Snitfit: Paperwhites
Snitfit: Devil's Well Road
Snitfit: DSC00558
Snitfit: DSC00557
Snitfit: DSC00556
Snitfit: DSC00555
Snitfit: DSC00554
Snitfit: DSC00553
Snitfit: rear view of the cemetery
Snitfit: rear view of the cemetery
Snitfit: offroading with Dad
Snitfit: offroading with Dad
Snitfit: offroading with Dad
Snitfit: offroading with Dad
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: view from the top
Snitfit: offroading with Dad
Snitfit: offroading with Dad
Snitfit: a makeshift or antique hammer
Snitfit: Elk City Pioneer Cemetery plaque (closer look)
Snitfit: lower part of the plaque
Snitfit: Elk City Pioneer Cemetery plaque "cemetery hopping"