Snipps Whispers: The Eildons from Gattonside
Snipps Whispers: Across a ploughed field brownly
Snipps Whispers: Blue jacket and same sky
Snipps Whispers: Dogs taking Trudy across hills
Snipps Whispers: Autumn Trees Nr. Kelso
Snipps Whispers: The bales on Lauder Moor
Snipps Whispers: Lapping waves on my wet knees
Snipps Whispers: Moorland sages
Snipps Whispers: The Eildons in a slice of sun
Snipps Whispers: Looking towards Selkirk
Snipps Whispers: Moorland tracks
Snipps Whispers: Fast water across rocks, River Tweed
Snipps Whispers: On golden pond, Scottish Borders
Snipps Whispers: Still sunset reflections
Snipps Whispers: Heather wall hills
Snipps Whispers: Sunrise clouds above pines
Snipps Whispers: Sunrise clouds
Snipps Whispers: Sunrise clouds
Snipps Whispers: Early morning fire clouds
Snipps Whispers: River Tweed near Mertoun Bridge
Snipps Whispers: Woodlands late light
Snipps Whispers: Whispering wall on high moor, Scotland
Snipps Whispers: Moon rising over drystone wall, Scottish Borders
Snipps Whispers: Mottled sky looking west, Scottish Borders
Snipps Whispers: Western glow sunset, Scottish Borders
Snipps Whispers: Last light of sunset, Scottish Borders
Snipps Whispers: Layered sky over Scottish moors
Snipps Whispers: Dark clouds passing, Scottish Borders
Snipps Whispers: Drystone wall on Scottish moor
Snipps Whispers: Smouldering Moon over moorland wall