snigl3t: wall of pillary goodness
snigl3t: pterosaur
snigl3t: crown and lizard lamp
snigl3t: deer heads
snigl3t: there shined a shiny Albert
snigl3t: embodiment of Asia
snigl3t: darn elusive parakeet
snigl3t: equestrian in the mist
snigl3t: frosty
snigl3t: mystery pencils
snigl3t: saw sign
snigl3t: deco or art nouveau?
snigl3t: here be dragon
snigl3t: Olive
snigl3t: cottage
snigl3t: buboes
snigl3t: the eye
snigl3t: St James's Lake
snigl3t: feathery tulip things
snigl3t: exuberant flowerbed
snigl3t: boat lamp
snigl3t: crown on a spike, cook on a boat
snigl3t: disco Churchill
snigl3t: pursuit!
snigl3t: Suid-Afrika
snigl3t: Trafalgar Square
snigl3t: under the bridge, the books
snigl3t: fishstick
snigl3t: beastly gate II
snigl3t: beastly gate I