snigl3t: Hundertwasser toilets
snigl3t: twisty thistly thing
snigl3t: bottlebrush bush
snigl3t: very orange
snigl3t: cherry blossom
snigl3t: oh no - look out, purple tufty things!
snigl3t: purple tufts & rocks
snigl3t: bye bye house
snigl3t: the pond trails off
snigl3t: walking on reeds
snigl3t: green pond
snigl3t: pukeko
snigl3t: dreamy
snigl3t: peering closely at the lichen
snigl3t: lovely mossy rock
snigl3t: immortalise the scanner
snigl3t: photogenic scanner
snigl3t: manly things with machinery
snigl3t: ferry
snigl3t: benches & buckets & rings, oh my
snigl3t: Russell
snigl3t: Christ Church
snigl3t: kiwi stained glass
snigl3t: impressive cushions
snigl3t: Russell waterfront houses
snigl3t: Pompallier House
snigl3t: waka
snigl3t: moped dogs of madness
snigl3t: rocky hills
snigl3t: star pine