snickclunk: the girls
snickclunk: our three rafts
snickclunk: i liked their collection
snickclunk: carrying my weight
snickclunk: these sure were useful.
snickclunk: alec demonstrates proper rowing form.
snickclunk: we were saying something like "suck this, babs"
snickclunk: meyer lab guns.
snickclunk: our flotilla.
snickclunk: julie lends her hat.
snickclunk: birthday boy was saying "hold my beer"
snickclunk: in line for the rope swing.
snickclunk: in line for the rope swing.
snickclunk: i love their palm tree.
snickclunk: in line for the rope swing.
snickclunk: in line for the rope swing.
snickclunk: in line for the rope swing.
snickclunk: oh here's a good place.
snickclunk: bryan jumps
snickclunk: matt jumps