snevetspj: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
snevetspj: Curvature of the Earth - Proven
snevetspj: Lovely weather for December 18
snevetspj: Hermit Crab hangs out
snevetspj: Old Crusty Star
snevetspj: Mother and Son search for shells
snevetspj: I'm conserving energy
snevetspj: Turn Your Back on the Wind
snevetspj: Skimmer
snevetspj: Candace and her bird-army show off starfish
snevetspj: Lived to tell the tale
snevetspj: First Alligator Sighting
snevetspj: Aaaaahhhhh!!
snevetspj: Snowy Egret shows off characteristic yellow feet
snevetspj: Great Egret poses with tourist
snevetspj: Nice of you to continue the photo session
snevetspj: Magnificent Ospreys put on a flying show
snevetspj: Incredible power . . .
snevetspj: and grace
snevetspj: Amazing
snevetspj: White Pelicans flying in formation
snevetspj: Hear me roar
snevetspj: Dueling Ospreys
snevetspj: Osprey Landing Approach
snevetspj: Gear down
snevetspj: It was just a "touch and go" practice landing
snevetspj: "The Boys at the Beach" unknown family is totally focused
snevetspj: "Ding" Darling Wildlife Refuge - Outstanding Birding
snevetspj: I turn my back on you
snevetspj: Everyone doing their own thing