snevetspj: Let me enact the story of Pegasus
snevetspj: Gently mounting Pegasus
snevetspj: I'm sitting on the neck of my winged horse
snevetspj: Wow, Pegasus is willing to fly
snevetspj: Dive, dive, dive
snevetspj: This is a cool ride
snevetspj: I'm not looking behind me
snevetspj: Look ma, no hands
snevetspj: This is wonderful
snevetspj: Trick riding in the air
snevetspj: Exhilarating!
snevetspj: First, Pegasus needs to eat Jewells
snevetspj: Maybe you don't believe me
snevetspj: We must find Jewells or she will die!
snevetspj: We will fly through the storms and the rocks
snevetspj: It makes me a little punchy
snevetspj: But the two of us can do it
snevetspj: Actually I'm not such a bad rider
snevetspj: Pegusas and I go way back
snevetspj: We can really rock and roll
snevetspj: It is so fun
snevetspj: But sometimes I have to close my eyes
snevetspj: Then Pegasus levels out and I am fine
snevetspj: Actually, I am more than fine
snevetspj: We fly like falcons
snevetspj: We soar like eagles
snevetspj: So That was the Story of Pegasus and Eva, bye!