Rockford Wolf: Temple of the Inscriptions
Rockford Wolf: Temple of the Inscriptions
Rockford Wolf: temple of the sun
Rockford Wolf: the Palace
Rockford Wolf: Temple of the Sun glyphs
Rockford Wolf: Temple of the Sun
Rockford Wolf: up on top
Rockford Wolf: morning at Palenque
Rockford Wolf: stone work
Rockford Wolf: Palenque mural
Rockford Wolf: Palenque
Rockford Wolf: wall flower
Rockford Wolf: life in the ruins
Rockford Wolf: Artisania
Rockford Wolf: green wall
Rockford Wolf: lizard basking
Rockford Wolf: the Palace
Rockford Wolf: cloth moth
Rockford Wolf: Palenque
Rockford Wolf: IMGP4869
Rockford Wolf: trees growing through