Rockford Wolf: contained ecosystem COMPLETE
Rockford Wolf: above and beyond your imagination
Rockford Wolf: Allosaur
Rockford Wolf: long neck
Rockford Wolf: ridge skull
Rockford Wolf: pterodactyl
Rockford Wolf: serpentine
Rockford Wolf: carnosaur
Rockford Wolf: Turtle fossils
Rockford Wolf: Vertebral Column and Braincase
Rockford Wolf: Four Limbs
Rockford Wolf: Palatal Openings on roof of mouth
Rockford Wolf: Antorbital openings
Rockford Wolf: The Grasping Hand
Rockford Wolf: 3 toed foot
Rockford Wolf: 3 fingered hand
Rockford Wolf: relatively long arms
Rockford Wolf: backward pointing extension of pubis bone
Rockford Wolf: inset tooth rows form cheeks
Rockford Wolf: uneven covering of enamel on teeth
Rockford Wolf: IMGP0067
Rockford Wolf: IMGP0070
Rockford Wolf: IMGP0074
Rockford Wolf: IMGP0075
Rockford Wolf: Water tight egg