Rockford Wolf: snowy yards
Rockford Wolf: serenity
Rockford Wolf: the long alley
Rockford Wolf: snowy fence
Rockford Wolf: the backyard
Rockford Wolf: after the storm
Rockford Wolf: 30second skies
Rockford Wolf: winters last kick
Rockford Wolf: winters last kick
Rockford Wolf: winters last kick
Rockford Wolf: winters last kick
Rockford Wolf: winters last kick
Rockford Wolf: winters last kick
Rockford Wolf: winters last kick
Rockford Wolf: verdunskylineHDR
Rockford Wolf: lineoftreesHDR
Rockford Wolf: puddleHDR
Rockford Wolf: snowmen on the hill HDR
Rockford Wolf: treeshadowHDR
Rockford Wolf: tree shadows over city skyline
Rockford Wolf: twigs at sunset
Rockford Wolf: westmount
Rockford Wolf: snow covered car
Rockford Wolf: westmounthouses
Rockford Wolf: glimpses of the oratory
Rockford Wolf: chainlink