SneakinDeacon: Belmont Fan
SneakinDeacon: Coach Pat Knight.
SneakinDeacon: Coaches
SneakinDeacon: Coach John Thompson
SneakinDeacon: Voice of the Deacons
SneakinDeacon: Enter the General
SneakinDeacon: Jump Ball
SneakinDeacon: Guarding the Ball
SneakinDeacon: Red Raider Conference
SneakinDeacon: Jared Dudley
SneakinDeacon: Boston College Eagles
SneakinDeacon: Battling on the Boards
SneakinDeacon: Tyrese Rice
SneakinDeacon: Texas Tech Beauties.
SneakinDeacon: Texas Beauties
SneakinDeacon: The Red Raider
SneakinDeacon: Red Raider Mascot and Cheerleader.
SneakinDeacon: Coach Skip Prosser
SneakinDeacon: Texas Tech Cheerleader
SneakinDeacon: Cheering for the Raiders
SneakinDeacon: The Red Raider
SneakinDeacon: Texas Tech Hottie
SneakinDeacon: Guarding the ball
SneakinDeacon: Coach Bob Knight
SneakinDeacon: Boston College Cheerleaders
SneakinDeacon: Contested Shot
SneakinDeacon: Battle on the Boards.
SneakinDeacon: Charlie Burgess
SneakinDeacon: Coaches
SneakinDeacon: Coach Bob Knight