oomlout: 10 2N2222A Transistors and Resistors in a bag
oomlout: 64 Red LEDs in a Bag
oomlout: Relay and Accesories in a Bag
oomlout: 64 Green LEDs in a Bag
oomlout: 5 Pushbuttons and Resistors in a Bag
oomlout: 5 Photo Resistors in a Bag
oomlout: 5 74HC595 Shift Registers in a Bag
oomlout: Arduino Mega
oomlout: IC-2222-10 10 2n222A (Transistors)
oomlout: IC-PHOTO-10 (PhotoResistors)
oomlout: ARDU-01 (Arduino Duemilanove)
oomlout: SERV-04 (Continuous Rotation Servo)
oomlout: ARDP-01 (Arduino Holder)
oomlout: BUTT-01 (Pushbuttons)
oomlout: IC-74HC595-05 (DIP Chips)
oomlout: ELEC-68-JumpersSmall (Jumper Wires)
oomlout: BREB-01 (Breadboard)
oomlout: ARSH-01-ET (Arduino Ethernet Shield)
oomlout: SERV-03-MI (Micro Servo)
oomlout: ADEX-03-6AA (6 x AA Battery Box)
oomlout: LED-05G-50 (50 x Green LEDs)
oomlout: ADEX-01-9V (9v Battery Adapter)
oomlout: ELEC-68-Jumpers (Jumper Wires)
oomlout: ADEX-02-US (USB Cable)
oomlout: LED-05R-50 (50 x Red LEDs)
oomlout: RELAY-01-BU (Relay and Transistor)
oomlout: 3 Pin Header
oomlout: Continuous Rotation Servo
oomlout: Jumper Wire Bundle
oomlout: A few Jumper Wires