Janneke (icantakeastand): Refresh My Soul.
Janneke (icantakeastand): We're Backtracking to a Better Time.
Janneke (icantakeastand): The Simple Things.
Janneke (icantakeastand): Get These Left Handed Lovers Out of Your Way.
Janneke (icantakeastand): I swam across, I jumped across for you,
Janneke (icantakeastand): So We Will Sing,
Janneke (icantakeastand): I am Begging for You. (Explored)
Janneke (icantakeastand): In Any Other World You Could Tell the Difference,
Janneke (icantakeastand): My Voice; a Beacon in the Night.
Janneke (icantakeastand): The Stars Smiled Down on Me,
Janneke (icantakeastand): Take a Moment,
Janneke (icantakeastand): Hopes and Dreams. (Explored)
Janneke (icantakeastand): Take a Step Back.