Janneke (icantakeastand):
Lend Me Your Eyes I Can Change What You See
Janneke (icantakeastand):
But Plant Your Hope with Good Seeds,
Janneke (icantakeastand):
We Were Drawn From the Weeds, (Explored)
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Come On, My Star is Fading,
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Hup Holland Hup
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Janneke (icantakeastand):
There's a Time For Everything,
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Life Has Been Compared to a Race,
Janneke (icantakeastand):
And So it is, Just Like You Said it Would Be, (Explored)
Janneke (icantakeastand):
And I'm Staying Out, (Explored)
Janneke (icantakeastand):
So is it Goodbye? (Explored)
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Uncertain What the Future Holds
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Just a Perfect Day,
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Don't Let Me Make the Same Mistake Again,
Janneke (icantakeastand):
See the Stone Set in Your Eyes,
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Take My Badge but My Heart Remains,
Janneke (icantakeastand):
Leaf and Blade, Rain and Drought,