snaprails: Baker Street Metropolitan Railway offices.
snaprails: Baker Street Station & Chiltern Court Apartments.
snaprails: Baker Street Station & Chiltern Court Apartments. (2)
snaprails: Baker Street. Metropolitan Railway & Sherlock Holmes.
snaprails: Baker Street, under the original station.
snaprails: Baker Street, under the original station.
snaprails: Baker Street, under the original station.
snaprails: Baker Street, tiled passageway.
snaprails: Baker Street, cable space.
snaprails: Baker Street, Bakerloo tiled passagway to former lifts..
snaprails: Baker Street, Bakerloo tiled passagway to former lifts.(2)
snaprails: Baker Street, Bakerloo tiled passagway to former lifts.
snaprails: Baker Street, Bakerloo old emergency stairs, now ventillation.
snaprails: Baker Street, passageway to disused lift shafts.(2)
snaprails: Baker Street, passageway to disused lift shafts.
snaprails: Baker Street, behind the ventillation grilles, Jubilee Line.
snaprails: Baker Street, behind the ventillation grilles, Jubilee Line.
snaprails: Baker Street, behind the ventillation grilles, Jubilee Line.
snaprails: Baker Street, passageway to disused lift shafts.
snaprails: Baker Street, old posters in passageway to disused lift shafts.
snaprails: Baker Street, passageway to disused lift shafts.
snaprails: Baker Street, ventillation baffle door, passageway to disused lift shafts.(2)
snaprails: Baker Street, ventillation baffle door, passageway to disused lift shafts.
snaprails: Baker Street, behind the ventillation grilles, Jubilee Line.
snaprails: Baker Street, above the escalators.
snaprails: Baker Street, Resident Engineer, door leading to Rifle Club area.
snaprails: Baker Street, staff pistol shooting range alley.
snaprails: Baker Street, behind the scenes.
snaprails: Baker Street, ticket hall.
snaprails: Baker Street historic signs in ticket hall.