Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): Cowes, Isle of Wight
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): Cowes and the river Medina
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): Parkhurst Prison, Isle of Wight
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): Osborne House, Isle of Wight
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): The Needles Battery, Isle of Wight.
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): Parkhurst Prison, Isle of Wight
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): The Needles Lighthouse
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): The Race Is On! (for Gail Shotlander in Canada)
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): 'The Needles' and jet skis
Tony Margiocchi (Snapperz): The Red Osprey, Red Funnel Line