麻瓜不懂魔法 (OFF): 山茶花 (喬依肯德) Camellia japonica
Anyhoo: DSC_9753 - NB Seen
whoops vision: Magnolia Flowers
Khaled Al Desouky: Mohamed Ali Mosque
tubb: Bondway Elf Rage, Vauxhall Cross (tubb/gwl/47)
agebous: Morden Station
simon_white: There is a point to perspective
Danny Dutch: A Rally Of Idiots
mousavi1388: Latest: Tehran Streets
mousavi1388: Latest: Tehran Streets
Teacher Dude's BBQ: Incoming - tear gas canisters about to land in the university of Thessaloniki
matteoprez: some tombstones
chelsea1: Luc foot
mr_la_rue: Banksy Rocket Rats
v!n!sh: Taj Mahal
Bantidisturbis: Machu Picchu
(gian): शून्यता [Śūnyatā]