Snapjacs: Bathroom, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Bedroom, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Buffet, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Coffee table, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Conference room, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Courtyard and Balcony, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Courtyard and Fountain, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Cuisine, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Dining room, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Foyer, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Garden restaurant, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Gin and Tonic, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Grand Hotel Mencey Montage 1
Snapjacs: Grand Hotel Mencey Montage 2
Snapjacs: Grand Hotel Mencey Montage 3
Snapjacs: Grand Hotel Mencey Montage 4
Snapjacs: Grand Mencey Hotel Room BW
Snapjacs: Indoor pool and spa, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Logo on stairs, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Lounge, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Show kitchen, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Swimming pool, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Terrapins and gardens, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Snapjacs: Terrapins, Grand Hotel Mencey, Santa Cruz, Tenerife