k.steudel: Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts
k.steudel: Wheaties Box
k.steudel: Wesley/Dread Pirate Roberts
k.steudel: IMG_1710
k.steudel: Zombie Cale
k.steudel: Cale and I
k.steudel: Cale and I
k.steudel: Cale and I
k.steudel: Cale and I
k.steudel: Zombie, showgirl and Babe
k.steudel: Babe the Blue Ox
k.steudel: IMG_1721
k.steudel: Paul Bunyon and Babe the Blue Ox
k.steudel: Paul Bunyon and Babe the Blue Ox
k.steudel: Aunt Jemima
k.steudel: Aunt Jemima lights up.
k.steudel: Lion Tamer (his puppy had a lion costume on)
k.steudel: Hairless Cat Hostess
k.steudel: Tetris!
k.steudel: Seven Tetris and one sexy cop.
k.steudel: Seven Tetris and one sexy cop.
k.steudel: IMG_1613
k.steudel: IMG_1615
k.steudel: IMG_1616
k.steudel: IMG_1617
k.steudel: IMG_1618
k.steudel: IMG_1619
k.steudel: IMG_1620
k.steudel: IMG_1621
k.steudel: IMG_1622