Snail Trail: The weariness begins to show....
Snail Trail: You're taking the piston
Snail Trail: She's just too excited to just walk
Snail Trail: Gotta get a picture of you trying not to barf
Snail Trail: Nico begins to wish he hadn't relented to the bullying
Snail Trail: Windswept
Snail Trail: Not feeling sick yet!
Snail Trail: Haha! And this was MY idea!
Snail Trail: You spin me right roueughhh! *and other vomiting noises*
Snail Trail: This was before it started. Notice their happy, vomit-free faces.
Snail Trail: Oh, we're getting old. We need a sit down. Anyone want to toddle to the kiosk and get us a cup of tea?
Snail Trail: So. Very. Hungry!
Snail Trail: Pudding!
Snail Trail: So then I said to er, oo, you never! and she said oo, I did! But I'd never believe a word of it...
Snail Trail: The alien tentacles of nutrition probe their way into Kerri's head
Snail Trail: She thinks it's funny does she, we'll see how funny it is when SHE gets splashed...
Snail Trail: Say 'arsebandits, it's a huge waterfall!', I mean 'cheese'
Snail Trail: Just keeping the sponsors happy
Snail Trail: Right, I'm gonna deck yer fa that!
Snail Trail: Ha ha. You're wet and I'm COMPLETELY dry
Snail Trail: I try to ignore Kerris' cruel laughter by looking at the pretty skies instead
Snail Trail: Kerri gets cramp from all the cruel laughter of my soakedness
Snail Trail: Kerri, trying to get 'arty' shots of me, I think.
Snail Trail: Knocked unconscious in a fit of rage, I wonder what to do with the sagging body of Kerri...
Snail Trail: Susan has an attack of the 'inflatable head'
Snail Trail: I appear to have an attention seeking sleeve
Snail Trail: Do you MIND, I am TRYING to take a picture!
Snail Trail: This is all the excitement you used to get at Thorpe Park in 1982
Snail Trail: My brother, thrill seeker
Snail Trail: The beautiful Viking boat ship at Thorpe Park in 1982