SnailNail: Russian Cannon
SnailNail: Lion
SnailNail: Spittal Beach and Allotments
SnailNail: Brass Bastion
SnailNail: On the edge of the golf course
SnailNail: Needles Eye
SnailNail: Abandoned house at Hilton Bay
SnailNail: Burnmouth Bay
SnailNail: Hurker's Haven
SnailNail: Golf course and water hazard at Eyemouth
SnailNail: St Abbs
SnailNail: Stuff in the distance
SnailNail: Jam Doughnuts
SnailNail: Wallace Statue
SnailNail: Temple of the Muses
SnailNail: Dryburgh Abbey
SnailNail: Leaderfoot Viaduct
SnailNail: Eildon Hill North
SnailNail: Melrose Abbey and Eildon Hill
SnailNail: Monk's choir at Melrose
SnailNail: Monk's choir at Melrose, south side
SnailNail: Presbytery, Melrose Abbey
SnailNail: The presybtery vault, Melrose Abbey
SnailNail: Melrose Abbey, south side
SnailNail: Climbing Humbleton Hill
SnailNail: The Cheviot
SnailNail: NDWG leaves its mark
SnailNail: Yeavering Bell
SnailNail: Berwick Old Bridge
SnailNail: Berwick Castle