SnailNail: Santa Claus, ready to open a can of whup ass
SnailNail: The Bull i' th' Thorn
SnailNail: Coach Trip
SnailNail: Ploughing through the snow
SnailNail: A sort of snowman
SnailNail: Snow cushions
SnailNail: On the Tissington Trail
SnailNail: A tempting target
SnailNail: From the coach window
SnailNail: Lunch at Kinder Gates
SnailNail: One of the triumverate of trig points on Kinder
SnailNail: Ringing Roger and Grindslow Knoll
SnailNail: Climbing Ringing Roger
SnailNail: A popular spot
SnailNail: Brimham Rocks
SnailNail: A rare combination
SnailNail: Ilam Cross
SnailNail: Picking our way down Bunster Hill
SnailNail: Agricultural machinery
SnailNail: Ilam Rock
SnailNail: NDWG in Dovedale
SnailNail: Queens of Ramshaw Rocks
SnailNail: More Ramshaw Rocks
SnailNail: Hen Cloud
SnailNail: Snakey
SnailNail: AB, and HB
SnailNail: If you can't be fussed to climb the stride...
SnailNail: Birchover way, from Robin Hood's Stride.
SnailNail: Pym Chair
SnailNail: On Winhill Pike