Smurphy Pix: Captain Hickerbop
Smurphy Pix: Ready to Fly
Smurphy Pix: Ready toFly
Smurphy Pix: at the airport
Smurphy Pix: Your Pilot
Smurphy Pix: looking down
Smurphy Pix: clouds
Smurphy Pix: clouds2
Smurphy Pix: clouds3
Smurphy Pix: clouds4
Smurphy Pix: Chicago approach
Smurphy Pix: mountains from above
Smurphy Pix: mountains from above
Smurphy Pix: mountains from above3
Smurphy Pix: clouds
Smurphy Pix: clouds and mountains
Smurphy Pix: floating bridge
Smurphy Pix: Tiny Crab
Smurphy Pix: Washington Ferry
Smurphy Pix: Dock Gulls
Smurphy Pix: ferry ride
Smurphy Pix: Kittitas Ferry
Smurphy Pix: Sailboat Races
Smurphy Pix: Just a bucket
Smurphy Pix: Sailboat Races
Smurphy Pix: Sailboat Races
Smurphy Pix: foxglove
Smurphy Pix: Whidbey
Smurphy Pix: Whidbey