smudie: Dwarf sucking catfish
smudie: This little lad or one of his brothers will be joining our family just after Christmas
smudie: Alfie seems to like the night-time, just like me
smudie: Alfie with his ears up
smudie: Alfie is starting to enjoy posing, it seems
smudie: Alfie and me
smudie: Alfie up close
smudie: "Alfie, be good for your rabbit-sitter while we're off skiing!"
smudie: Alfie on my lap
smudie: Angharad, Blodwyn and Cerys - three female bettas
smudie: Alfie has discovered a cool new hiding place
smudie: Blurry Alfie
smudie: Carrot tops!
smudie: Alfie
smudie: Carrot tops