smudge15: Chip and Iona
smudge15: Katie and Andrew
smudge15: Liv and Lou
smudge15: Orangery closed for wedding
smudge15: The Hordes!
smudge15: The Newton Clan
smudge15: IMG_6102
smudge15: IMG_6104
smudge15: Papped
smudge15: Church front
smudge15: Sweden meets rural England
smudge15: I'm getting married me!
smudge15: Happy bridesmaid
smudge15: Helen smiling
smudge15: Helen
smudge15: Paul
smudge15: Roger and Jamesy
smudge15: Big brother
smudge15: Neil
smudge15: Papped again
smudge15: Phew
smudge15: Wishing the rain away
smudge15: Chris and the gang
smudge15: All this for me?
smudge15: Oops
smudge15: Bride and flowers
smudge15: Yay!
smudge15: and then he asked me to marry him!
smudge15: Vintage coach
smudge15: On the way to Hestercombe