Smudge 9000: Dragonfly - Common Darter
Smudge 9000: Dragonfly
Smudge 9000: Gatekeeper Butterfly (Pyronia tithonus)
Smudge 9000: Common Darter dragonflies(Sympetrum striolatum)
Smudge 9000: Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum)
Smudge 9000: Golden-ringed Dragonfly (F)
Smudge 9000: Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum) ??
Smudge 9000: Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) ??
Smudge 9000: Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum) ??
Smudge 9000: Black tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum)
Smudge 9000: Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum)
Smudge 9000: Common Darter Dragonfly(Sympetrum striolatum)
Smudge 9000: Emperor dragonfly ovipositing (Anax imperato)
Smudge 9000: Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum) Male and female both looking very tatty.
Smudge 9000: Common Darter Dragonfly(Sympetrum striolatum)
Smudge 9000: Southern Migrant Hawker (Aeshna affinis) I think
Smudge 9000: Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum) male
Smudge 9000: Male and Female Ruddy Darter coupling
Smudge 9000: Common Darter Dragonfly (M) Sympetrum striolatum
Smudge 9000: Four Migrant Hawker Dragonflies, 3 Male and 1 female.
Smudge 9000: Banded Demoiselle (Banded Demoiselle)
Smudge 9000: Broad-bodied Chaser dragonfly (Libellula depressa) female
Smudge 9000: Four spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) ???
Smudge 9000: White legged Damselfly (Platycnemis pennipes) Male and Female
Smudge 9000: Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
Smudge 9000: Golden ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii)
Smudge 9000: Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta) (M)
Smudge 9000: Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum)
Smudge 9000: Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta)
Smudge 9000: Ruddy darter (F) Sympetrum sanguineum ???