SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
At the Liberty Statue presentation, Central Park, New York.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Hydro-aeroplane ready for flight
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
The new battleship ''Maine'' with her 12-inch guns that guard the nation's honor
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
British Red Cross Ambulance in French Service. Northern France.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Guards of the Republic - In Palace of Versailles During Treaty Signing.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Ypres Cathedral in Ruins, British Lory [sic] in Foreground.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Projectile Weighing 1070 lbs. - Powder 825 lbs. One Load for the 12-inch Disappearing Gun, Fortress Monroe, Va.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Our Answer to the Kaiser - 3,000 of America's Millions Eager to Fight for Democracy.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
The ''Indomitable'' - The English Battleship Which Sunk the German ''Bluecher'' on Sunday, January 24, 1915.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Zeppelin Wrecked and Burned - Ruins Being Inspected by French Troops.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
The path of desolation, wraught by the great storm at Galveston. September 8th, 1900.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
The path of desolation, wraught by the great storm at Galveston. September 8th, 1900.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
The path of desolation, wraught by the great storm at Galveston. September 8th, 1900.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
The path of the great Tornado, at Galveston Texas, September 1900.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
''Have you seen my children?'' Galveston Disaster.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
The young and affectionate mother fleeing to save her precious babe, Galveston Disaster.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Searching for the Dead among the Ruins, Galveston, Texas, U.S.A.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Looking toward the Gulf, Showing Space Swept Clean by the Tornado's Might, Galveston, Texas.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Sea-swept Galveston - A once prosperous section of beautiful homes near the beach - Disaster 1900.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Mr. & Mrs. Turtledove's New French Cook
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
You sweet thing, When did you arrive?
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
'Now don't be so shy!'
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
'Oh My! But you are lovely'
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Sh! Sh! I hear my wife coming.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
'Heavens! What does she mean'
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Well, I am caught sure enough.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
She must leave this house at once.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Mr. Turtledove, Trying to get out of the Difficulty.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Mr. Turtledove, Making Promises to be Good.
SMU Libraries Digital Collections:
Darling I love you more than ever.