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smu53: Sarcophagus of Constantina, 4th century. Made of porphyry marble.
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smu53: Capitoline Antinus, found at Hadrian's villa
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smu53: Roman hair style.
smu53: Asclepius, god of medicine
smu53: Marble inlaid floor.
smu53: DSC00244
smu53: Ceiling looks carved but it is painted.
smu53: DSC00251
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smu53: Very old map of Rome
smu53: Very old map of Italy
smu53: Very old map of Venice
smu53: Bookshelf for hand made books
smu53: School of Athens by Raphael. Michelangelo disrupts the front. Leonardo is in the middle/back
smu53: Michaelangelo as seen by Raphael.
smu53: Expulsion of Heliodorus From the Temple by Raphael
smu53: Meeting of Leo the Great and Atilla by Raphael
smu53: Sacrifice of Isaac by Raphael