SMR Labs: Vo leaning over the couch
SMR Labs: Vo's foot at ISO 1600
SMR Labs: Vo's Whiskers
SMR Labs: Rushmore
SMR Labs: Tongue!
SMR Labs: Rushmore
SMR Labs: New Flash Test
SMR Labs: Rushmore Stretching
SMR Labs: Rushmore's tongue
SMR Labs: Vo's toes
SMR Labs: Rushmore having salad
SMR Labs: A Determined Vo
SMR Labs: Rushmore
SMR Labs: New plant meet Rushmore
SMR Labs: New plant meet Rushmore
SMR Labs: Rushmore
SMR Labs: Rushmore
SMR Labs: Voshon in low light.
SMR Labs: Rushmore likes my chair
SMR Labs: Rushmore peeking
SMR Labs: Vo spots "the other cat"
SMR Labs: Vo dispatches catbert
SMR Labs: Rushmore's toes
SMR Labs: Vo lunging at the camera strap
SMR Labs: Rushmore contemplating the Tsnownami
SMR Labs: Rushmore
SMR Labs: Rushmore.20100822.0004
SMR Labs: Rushmore
SMR Labs: Rushmore