Geraint Rowland Photography: 'He glares at the sky in his disbelief...'
Gerd Kozik Fotografie: Holding on the Time
Geraint Rowland Photography: Abstract Africa in Black & White
antoinebouyer: Jeu d'ombre
Nikolas Fotos: πŸ”†πŸ”…The mistress of a thousand suns.πŸ”†πŸ”†
patuffel: Düsseldorf skyline with Blood Moon
NessSlipknot: Exploring the dead tree
elektron9: Lombard Street
FotoGrazio: Filtering light
Ulysses Odyssey: Like a kiss from nowhere
Gerd Kozik Fotografie: See you again... Soon!
biguglystuff: female hummingbird
biguglystuff: male hummingbird
life is good (pete): Cannon Beach
Mario Rasso: Say Hi to Santa
FotographyKS!: Don't watch the what it does...keep going!
Stephen Mudge: Brisbane's Story Bridge in pink
ghostlyfour2: Log Cabin 3
FotoGrazio: Street smile
Oliverpan: πŸŒ•πŸŒ•
Geraint Rowland Photography: Pride Portraits, Lima
Narratography by APJ: SMAPA presents The Dancer's Edge
karolis janulis: final strtigh
Ulysses Odyssey: Untitled
antoinebouyer: côtes morbihannaises au soleil tombant