jonsetzen: sums up the crazy icelandic weather
jonsetzen: road signs
jonsetzen: road to krysuvik
jonsetzen: the black lake
jonsetzen: all alone at the black lake
jonsetzen: black lake on the way to krysuvik
jonsetzen: walking through seltun (smells like millions of raw eggs)
jonsetzen: seltun geysers 200 degrees celsius
jonsetzen: roads to nowhere
jonsetzen: funny little door
jonsetzen: road sign, lava rock and clouds
jonsetzen: sun and hail in reykjavik
jonsetzen: hotel reykjavik centrum - highly recommended
jonsetzen: downtown reykjavik
jonsetzen: Hallgramskirkja
jonsetzen: downtown reykjavik
jonsetzen: bright red roof in reykjavik
jonsetzen: tjorn pond in reykjavik
jonsetzen: the worst ice bar you could ever imagine
jonsetzen: cool american
jonsetzen: more beautiful cloud action in reykjavik
jonsetzen: little white mountains everywhere
jonsetzen: too cold to get out of the car
jonsetzen: no one else around for about two hours
jonsetzen: icelandic horses in the wild
jonsetzen: pingvellir lake
jonsetzen: geysir looking like another planet
jonsetzen: geysir
jonsetzen: icicles