smorgy_: 1/365 - Hello 2015
smorgy_: 2/365 Instax fun with Kaia
smorgy_: 3/365 - Soo hot but still gotta be touching his brother #chihuahua #brennerbrewing
smorgy_: 4/365 Enjoying some Scrubs on a quiet Sunday
smorgy_: 5/365 - First day back at work didn't really go to plan but at least I can come home to this lunatic and his brother
smorgy_: 6/365 - Guess who turned 1 today!!
smorgy_: 7/365 - Watching my stories in bed
smorgy_: 8/365 - Feeling grey today
smorgy_: 9/365 - Gone from a hot as day to cold and rainy.
smorgy_: 10/365 - What was that noise?!
smorgy_: 11/365 - Taking our little visitor out on an adventure to the country
smorgy_: 12/365 - Eating crackers on the couch with this cracker
smorgy_: 13/365 - Nap time with the Cooperson
smorgy_: 14/365 - Lil sucker!
smorgy_: 15/365 - #tbt memories of Tom Selleck's 1st birthday. This week was the 3rd anniversary of living here
smorgy_: 16/365 - Stacks on!!!
smorgy_: 17/365 - It's been a long week
smorgy_: 18/365 - Woke up with a Gordon hat
smorgy_: 19/365 - Gordon was making the most adorable noises behind my computer
smorgy_: 20/365 - BJ thought he was helping my headache
smorgy_: 21/365 - Feeling hot and bothered
smorgy_: 22/365 - OMG there's two again!
smorgy_: 23/365 - Watched Into The Woods today... Bj is very thankful I didn't make him watch it, I am not thankful that I decided to watch it
smorgy_: 24/365 - Having a couch day #1hourphoto #dnd365
smorgy_: 25/365 - woke in the middle of the night realizing I didn't take a daily photo. Took the worlds worst/darkest photo and fell back asleep, then woke up this morning a took this 'not as bad' photo instead
smorgy_: 26/365 - Happy Australia Day! I spent most of mine in bed
smorgy_: 27/365 - Mega vanilla slice for dessert
smorgy_: 28/365 - Got a little bit crafty tonight
smorgy_: 29/365 - Someone is lovin' on me tonight
smorgy_: 30/365 - Hangs in the car