smorgy_: When we sent a drink to Larry Steele
smorgy_: BJ's special dance
smorgy_: BJ sliding drunk down the rail and taking a sip mid slide
smorgy_: That's better
smorgy_: Sad to leave the ship - Atleast i am
smorgy_: Leaving the ship
smorgy_: Beverage statistics
smorgy_: Di and Garry with the commodore
smorgy_: Bec and Amy with the Commodore
smorgy_: BJ and I with the commodore
smorgy_: Towel animals
smorgy_: Towel animals
smorgy_: Food carving
smorgy_: Jez and BJ
smorgy_: Me drinking a towel turtle
smorgy_: Towel animals
smorgy_: BJ and Jen on the deck
smorgy_: BJ on the deck
smorgy_: Larry Steele
smorgy_: BJ is a little drunk
smorgy_: Group shot with Noortje
smorgy_: Role playing
smorgy_: Glowing nip
smorgy_: Candlelight
smorgy_: Jez and BJ
smorgy_: Josh will have no part in our nipple shenanigans
smorgy_: Glowing nipple
smorgy_: Licking the glow
smorgy_: Glowing dick head?
smorgy_: Glowing penis