SmooTh.n.JaZZy: i aM sO....
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: mUch cLoseR tO GoD!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: cLérigoS cHurcH
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: VerTicaL & LighTy!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: at D'a riTchy lighTs gaMe!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: tHe Cathedral paNoraMa
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: CatheDraL endLESS fanTasY
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: breaThtakinG beauTy
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: arChitecTure wonDer
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: darkLESS
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: tHe lighTy caTheDraL
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: arChitecTure wonDer
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: Looking GoD!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: aT D'a wonder KoLn LanD
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: a LighTy wonder
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: colorFULL
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: DorF.KircHe
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: De NiEuWe KerK AmsTerdaM
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ...NiEuWe KerK AmsTerdaM