SmooTh.n.JaZZy: oN a bLue daY!!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ...Manu traveLLing!! :)
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: mUch cLoseR tO GoD!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: cLérigoS cHurcH
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: VerTicaL & LighTy!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: at D'a riTchy lighTs gaMe!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ... bRighT dusKy!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: Ahhhhh!!! i love D'a dusk!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: :) ...thaT duSk!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: CominG sOOn...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: RichY RibeiRa
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: daRk, coLd buT hearTy
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: verTicaL
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: .. pLayiNg aT D'a sunRise!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: aT D'a sunRise... 2day!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ... pLayiNg aT D'a mOOn!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: aliaDos aV....
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: brighT & nighTy
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: D'a inSpiriNg niTe...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: aT D'a sunRise... 2day!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: Oporto, PorTugaL
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: BriDge sunSet...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ThaT sunSet... ...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: tHe Cathedral paNoraMa
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: Manu eN eL castiLLo....
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: CatheDraL endLESS fanTasY
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: breaThtakinG beauTy
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: dolCe viTa....
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ... croSSinG LuiS I briDge...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ThaT sunSet... ...