SmooTh.n.JaZZy: saiLing in bLue
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ehhhh pah.... ixtu é bué de fixolazzz!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: mY PorTo wonDers
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: 7-7-2010
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ...el nueVo jugueTe.../ New Manu toy....
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: goLd , cuPPer & siLverY
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: tHe joY oF coLor
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: pOoL tiMe
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: dolCe viTa....
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: aSSassiNos
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: SimpLy amaziNg!!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: Manu Y suS foTiTas... LocaS??!?
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: 2011 CaLenDar...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: >(:) coMinG sOOn!! (:)<
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: mariNa sUnseT
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: Nations Park, Lisbon
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: aT D'a gYm!!! ...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: TenderNESS
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: BroWn oranGy
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: haPPy traveLLing ...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: carDs daYs
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: + smOOTh & JaZZy colors
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: ... a daR aO piNceL
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: tiMe of mY liFe :)
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: eXpo wonDers
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: mY coLor fanTasY!!
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: AloNe buT neveR loNeLy!!...
SmooTh.n.JaZZy: geTTing reaDy....