i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Thierry and daughter
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Mont Blanc with Chamonix below
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Out-landed at Sallanches
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Mont Blanc view, from the West
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Ridge-running in a Duo-Discus!
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Gliding in Savoy
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Thermalling opposite Mont Blanc
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Mont Blanc with Chamonix below
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Mont Blanc with Chamonix below
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Gliding opposite Mont Blanc
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS):
Mont Blanc with Chamonix below