Smooglie: Porch Rail Building Materials 6/18/07
Smooglie: Porch Rail Building Materials 6/18/07
Smooglie: A Whole Lot of Slate 6/30/07
Smooglie: A Whole Lot of Slate 6/30/07
Smooglie: New Rail Posts 7/3/07
Smooglie: 7/3/07
Smooglie: 7/5/07
Smooglie: Laying out the tile 7/5/07
Smooglie: New Tile 7/5/07
Smooglie: New Tile 7/8/07
Smooglie: 7/8/07
Smooglie: 7/12/07 New Railing in Progress
Smooglie: 7/12/07 Step in Progress
Smooglie: 7/15/07 Step is Done
Smooglie: 7/15/07 That Last Piece of Railing Finally Installed
Smooglie: 7/15/07
Smooglie: 7/24/07 Nearly Done!
Smooglie: 7/24/07 Ick. Don't like the molding.
Smooglie: 7/26/07 Done!!!!
Smooglie: 7/26/07
Smooglie: 7/26/07 Come on in!
Smooglie: 7/26/07 Much better!
Smooglie: 6/4/08 Before
Smooglie: IMG_9431.JPG
Smooglie: IMG_9436.JPG
Smooglie: IMG_9432.JPG
Smooglie: IMG_9433.JPG
Smooglie: IMG_9435.JPG