Smoobs: The crew in a plane
Smoobs: WHat we're reading
Smoobs: What to do
Smoobs: Our Car
Smoobs: We're somewhere else!
Smoobs: New House!
Smoobs: New Hoos (which they're going to pretty much tear up and start again!)
Smoobs: Huge garage, capable of housing many art cars :o)
Smoobs: Mel & Randy
Smoobs: Look! Rhubarb!
Smoobs: Ready?!
Smoobs: Caption Competition Please....
Smoobs: What Katie did
Smoobs: Go Katie!
Smoobs: Safety First!
Smoobs: AL gets serious
Smoobs: GEt it off...
Smoobs: Mel and Randy go at it :o)
Smoobs: Katie on bathroom dismemberment
Smoobs: Mel, removing skirting boards
Smoobs: Randy Sledging
Smoobs: Look!
Smoobs: Eagle standing on a cigar-smoking fish ...
Smoobs: I'll never be able to look at that the same again!
Smoobs: Forrin Signs
Smoobs: OUtside the local store
Smoobs: So, finally, I'll see what it's like
Smoobs: My new friend
Smoobs: My Mate DJ
Smoobs: CHecking out the rumours