smoness: The very famous and wonderful, Rob Byrnes
smoness: OMG, I met the Ricker!
smoness: The Last Supper (ish)
smoness: Me and the Lambert
smoness: Me and Nathan FINALLY!
smoness: The illusive Rhonsey captured outside of its natural habitat.
smoness: Can you guess where we are right now?
smoness: In the dark recesses of The Bourbon Pub
smoness: We're not happy to be here... no... not at all...
smoness: Digesting beignets by the water front
smoness: I will neither confirm nor deny that we took this photo post rum punch consumption.
smoness: Snapping a photo, of Rhonda snapping a photo of Jeffrey's bum.
smoness: Trebor Healey gave us toys.
smoness: I dare you to tell me that this man isn't stunning.
smoness: I dare you to to tell me this isn't one of the nicest human beings you've ever met.
smoness: I dare you to not smile around this woman.
smoness: I dare you to not adore this guy.
smoness: I dare you to spend five minutes with this dude, and not laugh your ass off.
smoness: I dare you to not marry this man.
smoness: I dare you to have a terrible time with this woman.
smoness: I dare you to tell me that these aren't the sweetest faces you've ever seen.
smoness: Officially? My two favorite Canadians.
smoness: Let the sugar high commence!
smoness: Seriously sexy beignet dates
smoness: OMG, do you SEE the line to get inside Cafe Du Monde?
smoness: Not only does 'Nathan look evil in this photo as he waits for Dan to breathe funny...
smoness: Obligatory shot
smoness: Oh, he worked SO HARD to eat like a dainty flower.
smoness: This man could teach at the school of proper beignet consumption.
smoness: We watched them as they spent about ten minutes getting every particle of powdered sugar off of everything.