smoness: "Hey guys! Over here! Smile!"
smoness: 'sup?
smoness: a game he lovingly entitled, "poke the baby"
smoness: Ava
smoness: baby's blue balloon
smoness: BFFs at first sight
smoness: BFFs at first sight VI
smoness: BFFs at first sight II
smoness: BFFs at first sight III
smoness: BFFs at first sight IV
smoness: BFFs at first sight V
smoness: counting his inventory
smoness: discussing butterfly netting strategies I
smoness: discussing butterfly netting strategies II
smoness: easily amused I
smoness: easily amused II
smoness: Faith
smoness: family portrait, take 378
smoness: family portrait, take 392
smoness: fill it with laughter and let it go
smoness: frisbee dog
smoness: happy content
smoness: just shootin' the shit
smoness: laughter I
smoness: laughter II
smoness: laughter III
smoness: laughter IV
smoness: made from concentrate
smoness: Madison
smoness: Mom