smoness: video killed the radio star
smoness: Steve Madden, stereo Death III.2
smoness: Steve Madden, stereo death I
smoness: Steve Madden, stereo Death II
smoness: Steve Madden, stereo Death III
smoness: Steve Madden, tape deck test
smoness: fill it with laughter and let it go
smoness: pop!
smoness: WHERE IS THE KEY?!
smoness: me and my trees
smoness: tiny glimpses of clarity
smoness: "If I were only a pair of eyelids I would then be worth my self in weight." - Robert Frost
smoness: field & fire
smoness: modified candle light and exposed, perfectly V'd collar bone
smoness: When the thunder calls out and the pores of the earth open up, and the heat in the air smells like the back of your neck.
smoness: Fingers surround fingers
smoness: Body Song
smoness: like the ice cream bars
smoness: When Sculpture Attacks
smoness: Alice in Wonderland
smoness: "It feels like coming home," she said.
smoness: Reaching,
smoness: KET15
smoness: Next time I'll try the lemon-lime.
smoness: If I could marry a piece of poetry,
smoness: Exactly like a perfect bowl of soup.
smoness: "Okay, so I'm the dragon. Big deal."
smoness: Picking myself up on a crappy day.
smoness: "I thought it less like a lake and more like a moat."