smoness: It's almost scarf weather.
smoness: GOD FORBID I steal a kiss from her, when all she wants to do is frolic through the farm.
smoness: Beggar
smoness: Portrait of a Pooper
smoness: Did Someone Say "Bacon?"
smoness: Drooly McDroolerson
smoness: Happy, Sleepy Puppy
smoness: Tasty, Tasty Grass
smoness: The Epitome of Exhaustion
smoness: Loving her new rawhide.
smoness: Always on guard.
smoness: Yawn
smoness: a mom and her dog
smoness: And now I know...
smoness: <3 <3
smoness: No, my hair wasn't feeling nostalgic for the 80s, it was windy. Very, very windy.
smoness: My Girls
smoness: runner
smoness: stalker
smoness: Park?! Walk?! Work?! Compound?! GO?! Did you say "go?!" I love to go! -- OMG, are you holding a laser pointer? What's that? Pose for another freaking photo? Excuse me while I introduce you to my forehead wrinkles.
smoness: Snaggle Tooth
smoness: Three (count 'em, THREE) new photo apps for the iPhone... loves.
smoness: Who's mommy's little gremlin?! Is it the Sugar booger? Is it?!
smoness: my shining star
smoness: Me & The Pooper
smoness: Day 16 #Draw365
smoness: Spooning
smoness: It was the best day.
smoness: Spending quality time together at the dog park.
smoness: 'ol one-eye