smitten kitchen: checking the bread baby's fever
smitten kitchen: cute disposable bread pans
smitten kitchen: my cinnamon swirl bread
smitten kitchen: showing us how to shape a loaf
smitten kitchen: shaped loaves, resting
smitten kitchen: shaping for second rise
smitten kitchen: how you know it has doubled enough
smitten kitchen: oatmeal bread, mine, a wee bit underbaked
smitten kitchen: pastry class across the hall trying to bribe us for samples
smitten kitchen: basic white bread
smitten kitchen: slicing the chocolate orange
smitten kitchen: white bread, cooling
smitten kitchen: chocolate/orange, baking
smitten kitchen: white batter bread, first taste
smitten kitchen: white batter bread, cooling
smitten kitchen: italian bread ring
smitten kitchen: rustic white bread
smitten kitchen: a choux! gezundheit!
smitten kitchen: snippy, snippy
smitten kitchen: pinching a loaf
smitten kitchen: fougasse!
smitten kitchen: country loaf
smitten kitchen: country loaf rolls
smitten kitchen: fougasse!
smitten kitchen: semolina bread
smitten kitchen: swiss rye
smitten kitchen: swiss rye
smitten kitchen: pumpernickel, ka-pow
smitten kitchen: unbaked semolina loaf
smitten kitchen: pumpernickel, unbaked