smitten kitchen: pillow, polar bear style
smitten kitchen: the tiger was Russian
smitten kitchen: fine, I'll just chew my way out
smitten kitchen: tell me another story, papa
smitten kitchen: for my cousin
smitten kitchen: i laugh at you. laugh and laugh.
smitten kitchen: what? there's something on my back? nuh-uh.
smitten kitchen: taking in the game, eating chips
smitten kitchen: photogenic but boring
smitten kitchen: pinstripes
smitten kitchen: a second after this picture was taken, the baby was still trying to get away so the mom bit it on the butt
smitten kitchen: the statler and waldorf of the jungle world
smitten kitchen: winning all cute contests
smitten kitchen: really quite sick of all of you
smitten kitchen: did not pose for me, even though I asked nicely