smithwithclass: Minutes Old
smithwithclass: Swaddled and Comfortable
smithwithclass: Nana and April
smithwithclass: GG and April
smithwithclass: Good Reflexes
smithwithclass: Birthday Cake
smithwithclass: My Best Side
smithwithclass: Oh! Bath Water!
smithwithclass: Long Flowing Hair
smithwithclass: I Like Getting my Locks Brushed
smithwithclass: Hair Styles
smithwithclass: Pretty in Pink
smithwithclass: Mama and April
smithwithclass: Going Home!
smithwithclass: Together
smithwithclass: Silhouette
smithwithclass: Did you see that dinger?
smithwithclass: Who's That?
smithwithclass: In Focus
smithwithclass: Soft and Comfortable
smithwithclass: And I Lay Me Down
smithwithclass: Bright Eyes
smithwithclass: Ashton and April
smithwithclass: Two Cute
smithwithclass: Side Profile Mohawk
smithwithclass: Straight on Mohawk
smithwithclass: Mohawk on the Side
smithwithclass: Four Girls