Smithsonian Gardens:
One of the first crocuses shows its face.
Smithsonian Gardens:
Winter daphne
Smithsonian Gardens:
One of the many hellebore plants in the Ripley Garden.
Smithsonian Gardens:
'Arnold's Promise' witch hazel
Smithsonian Gardens:
Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku' Coral Bark Maple
Smithsonian Gardens:
Labeling the spring plants in the Ripley Garden
Smithsonian Gardens:
Sparrow in the Ripley Garden
Smithsonian Gardens:
A sparrow stops by for a snack.
Smithsonian Gardens:
The finial on the Arts & Industries building was restored & recently reinstalled.
Smithsonian Gardens:
Smithsonian Gardens:
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Smithsonian Gardens:
Crocus tommasinianus
Smithsonian Gardens:
'Corsican' hellebore in the Ripley Garden
Smithsonian Gardens:
An early daffodil
Smithsonian Gardens:
Helleborus Golden Lotus Strain